
Species Name: Fucus vesiculosus.

Also known as: Black-Tang, Cutweed, Bladder Fucus, Sea-Wrack, Fucus, Seetang, Kelp-Ware, Meeriche, Marina.

What is Bladderwrack? Bladderwrack is seaweed that is found in cold waters. This herb has been used for many centuries.

It is located mostly in the North American Ocean and it can also be found in Europe and Northern parts of the Mediterranean. It is found on rocks that are submerged underneath the water.

Bladderwrack is attached to the rocks by a root-like branch that extends from the stalks base and secures itself around the rocks. It can grow up to about three feet high and is a yellow or brownish-green color.

Home Remedies using Bladderwrack:

Bladderwrack has often been used for herbal medicine. It has a very high iodine content which helps to boosts a person’s metabolism. This herb contains high quantities of sodium, sulfur, magnesium and potassium.

You can also find iron, silicon and calcium in bladderwrack. Large amounts of carotene, zeaxantin and algin are also present in bladderwrack along with several different vitamins.

The stem leaves and root of this herb are dried out and used to make herbal remedies.

Benefits of Bladderwrack:

Bladderwrack is a very useful herb that is used to treat people that are overweight or that are suffering from cellulite. The high iodine content increases your metabolism which stimulates thyroid glands.

It can be taken internally or you can use an application to the outside of your skin to help relieve the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

Generally speaking bladderwrack is a good herb for conditions that you begin to face as you grow older. It can also be beneficial for children that are slow to develop both mentally and physical.

This herb is also thought to be beneficial in improving constipation, lowering cholesterol, helping with menstrual problems and easing an upset stomach.

Uses of Bladderwrack:

  • Obesity
  • Cellulite
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Myxoedema
  • Rheumatism
  • Pills
  • External application

Side Effects of Bladderwrack:

For the most part bladderwrack is considered a safe herb to use. However, if you develop any signs that you may be allergic to this herb stop using immediately.

These symptoms could include problems breathing, pain in your chest or skin irritations such as a rash, itching and hives.

Bladderwrack may interact with other drugs therefore; it is recommended that you discuss taking this herb with your doctor before using.