Juniper Berry Extract

Species Name: Juniperus communis

Also Known As: Common Juniper, Ginepro, Enebro, Ground Juniper, Hackmatack, Horse Savin

There are over fifty species of the coniferous Juniper plants native from the Arctic, to the mountains of Central America, throughout tropical Africa, and Europe.

The Juniper Berry is not a true berry, but a female seed cone with merged fleshy scales that give the appearance of a berry.

Many species of Juniper, especially Juniperus communis, are used to manufacture Gin and used as a culinary spice. Dried Juniper berries were ground and made into cakes that formed an important part of the Native American diet when other food wasn’t available.

What is Juniper Berry Extract? The Juniper berry is a female seed cone that is dried and utilized as a nutritional supplement in the form of liquid extract, capsules, and tablets. The substance also comes in bulk and can be used to make a tea.

Home Remedies Using Juniper Berry Extract:

Benefits of Juniper Berry Extract:

Historically the Juniper berry has been used medicinally in the treatment of even the most severe diseases including the plague and leprosy. Native Americans used the herb to treat stomach and kidney disorders, among other uses.

Today Juniper Berry extract is an efficient antiseptic and diuretic that is used to encourage urine flow. It stimulates the kidneys and bladder to expel excess water which can be beneficial for water weight.

Juniper berry can increase waste product filtering of the kidneys, assisting in ridding the body of gallstones and prostate sediment.

This supplement is thought to prevent uric acid crystallization in the kidneys, allowing it to pass through the urine. This is an effective treatment for gout. Juniper berry extract combats the bacteria found in urinary and bladder infections such as vaginitis, prostatitis, cystitis, and urethritis.

Traditionally Juniper Berry has been used to treat digestive tract disorders. It helps the body to eliminate gas and intestinal flatulence. This supplement is also used to help digest gassy foods like beans and cabbage. Juniper Berry can ease stomach cramping, colic, and small doses will work as an appetite stimulant.

The Juniper berry extract has anti-inflammatory properties that are believed to lessen arthritis, rheumatism, gout, and muscle pain. It is also used as an expectorant and decongestant in the treatment of lung disorders like colds, flu, bronchial asthma, emphysema, sinusitis, and general congestion.

This general blood purifier and system cleanser is beneficial in removing acid and toxic wastes from the body, strengthening against disease and fighting a broad spectrum of infections.

Side Effects of Juniper Berry Extract:

Because Juniper Berry stimulates the uterus, pregnant women should not take this supplement. The USFDA does not recognize this as a safe supplement and advices against prolonged use. Juniper berries can over stimulate the adrenals and kidneys, so those with kidney disease or an acute infection should not take the extract.

Allergic reactions to Juniper can occur. The herb may restrict the body’s absorption of iron and minerals. Juniper should not be used during times of heavy menstrual flow.