Hydrangea Extract

Species Name: Hydrangea arborescens

Also Known As: Seven bark, common hydrangea, hydrangea vulgaris, wild hydrangea

Hydrangea extract is derived from the roots and bark of the plant. This plant, which grows throughout the United States, is common in aquatic areas or marshes.

The bark is rough and peels easily. Each layer is usually a different color, which is where it gets its unique name of seven barks.

The roots are different thicknesses and can be as large as half an inch in diameter.

Also important is that the root of the plant contains two resins as well as soda, starch, sugar, gum and sulfuric and phosphoric acids, among other elements. There is no tannin present, but a volatile oil has been found.

Home Remedies Using Hydrangea Extract:

Benefits of Hydrangea Extract:

Hydrangea extract is a commonly used diuretic, meaning that it is able to help drain the body of excessive water from within the cells. It is also used as a tonic and as a cathartic product.

This extract was used by the Cherokee Indians and later it was taught to the settlers as a way to manage calculous diseases.

As such, the extract from the hydrangea plant can be used in various ways. It has shown some effectiveness in removing deposits in the bladder, though it is not able to remove stones here. It has been shown to reduce pain that comes from the emission of these stones, too.

To work as a diuretic, the extract is used as a concentrated syrup along with honey or sugar.

Or, the user can create a simple decoction of the root itself. In this method, the extract is effective at helping to reduce pain and edema.

Edema is the swelling of various body parts due to cells retaining fluid. This commonly occurs in the feet, ankles, abdomen, face and hands.

As a diuretic, it also works to help remove toxins from the body, and treats chronic gleet and mucous irritations. It has specifically labeled as a treatment option or those who are older and have bladder infections regularly.

Side Effects of Hydrangea Extract:

It is possible to take too much hydrangea extract. It is best to speak with your doctor about taking it in combination with other medications, especially other diuretics.

If too much is consumed, it can lead to vertigo and heart palpitations. Individuals should follow doctor recommendations or use manufacturer recommendations for dosing instructions for hydrangea extract.