Horsetail Extract

Species Name: Equisetum arvense

Also Known as: Bottlebrush, horsetail, shave grass, mare’s tail, scouring rush

This perennial herb grows most commonly in a moist climate and in sandy soil.

It is easy to find throughout North America but also grows well in Asia and throughout Europe.

This plant is unique in the way it grows, having hollow stems of two types throughout its life cycle.

These plants are also very old in terms of their ancient uses. It has been used throughout history and in particular during the Middle Ages, as not only a health aid but also as a scouring pad for cleaning. This is due to the high silicon content in the product.

Home Remedies Using Horsetail Extract:

Benefits of Horsetail Extract:

Horsetail has a great deal of silicic acid in it. It also contains a high amount of aluminum salts, potassium and calcium. The body does require a small amount of silicic acid to help create protein molecules in the tissues and blood vessels.

In ancient times, horsetail extract was used to repair broken bones and to stop bleeding. It was also used in as a tea to treat kidney infections and ulcers. It could also help with urinary tract cleansing.

Horsetail works well to increase urine production. It is a type of diuretic, allowing the body to dispel water stored in cells and tissues easier. Because of this property, this herb has become very helpful in treating kidney stones and for urinary tract infections. It has been used to treat prostate problems as well.

When used as a topical product, it can help to heal wounds, reduce the pain of burns and help with rheumatic conditions. Some have used it to treat conditions such as dandruff and other skin problems.

The use of this extract has also been shown to be effective as an herbal treatment for osteoporosis.

Side Effects of Horsetail Extract:

This herb can have some side effects, including the creation of an imbalance in electrolytes. It can also cause a defiance in thiamine, if it used for too long or used while consuming alcohol.

In some cases, it can cause skin irritations, specifically if the individual is allergic to the condition. Some people have problems such as an abnormal pulse rate, muscle weakness, fever or nausea or other conditions.

This indicates too high of a intake of the product. Consult a doctor if you are taking any other medications including heart medications or diuretics.