Grindelia Extract

Species Name: Grindelia squarrosa

Also Known As: Gumweed, curlycup gumweed, curlytop gumweed, rosinweed, tarweed.

Grindelia squarrosa is part of the Aster family. This plant has yellow, daisy-like flowers in July, August, and September.

It is considered a weed, is short-lived and tough. The plants are found throughout the United States, including open range land. Cattle and sheep will not eat this plant because it has a very bitter taste.

This species of Grindelia is a native plant for western and southwestern North America, but it has spread to the Mid-Atlantic States, and into Ontario and Quebec Canada. After flowering this plant has a gummy residue on the flower discs and it is often sticky around the leaves.

What is Grindelia Extract? Grindelia Extract is made from the leaves and flowering tops of the Grindelia squarrosa plant. Grindelia was first used in traditional Native American medicine.

Home Remedies Using Grindelia Extract:

Benefits of Grindelia Extract:

Grindelia squarrosa is known for its anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, expectorant, and mild pain-relieving properties.

It has been used as a treatment for asthma, bronchitis, and other upper respiratory tract ailments since the time of the Native Americans. Grindelia has also been used to treat chronic bladder infections.

This herbal extract can be used topically to treat burns, skin rashes, insect bites, and other skin problems including as a treatment for poison oak and poison ivy.

It is believed that the main benefit to treating skin rashes with Grindelia Squarrosa is that the wash made from the herbal extract will act as a protective barrier, keeping the rash or infection from spreading to other parts of the body.

Grindelia squarrosa extract is generally available in liquid form. It is often combined with other respiratory herbs like licorice, marshmallow root, and yerba santa and used in syrup form to treat coughs and chest congestion.

The Grindelia extract can be used topically. The extract can be mixed with water and used as a wash or compress to treat sores and skin rashes, or in a poultice on the chest to help relieve congestion. One study shows the successful Treatment of poison Oak Dermatitis Treated with Grindelia (Gumweed).

Side Effects of Grindelia Extract:

Grindelia extract may cause kidney or stomach irritation that includes abdominal cramping or diarrhea.

Other side effects might include nausea, green discoloration of the urine, or green stools.