Geranium Extract

Species Name: Geranium maculatum

Also Known As: the Spotted Geranium, Wood Geranium, or Wild Geranium. Other names are Alum Root, Alum Bloom, Dovefoot, American Kino Root, and Old Maid's Nightcap.

In Europe, it is known as Spotted Cranesbill or Wild Cranesbill.

This woodland perennial plant is native to North America. It grows wild from southern Manitoba and southwestern Quebec in Canada, all the way south to Alabama, and west to Oklahoma and South Dakota.

This plant is at home in dry to moist woods and is a perennial herbaceous plant that produces flowers from April to June. The flowers have five rose-purple, pale or violet-purple petals.

What is Geranium Extract? The root of the Geranium plant is what is used to make the extract.

The extract is made by soaking the roots in an alcohol extraction bath. This plant originates and grows wild in North America.

Home Remedies Using Geranium Extract:

Benefits And Uses of Geranium Extract:

Historically geranium extract has been used as an anti-depressant, astringent, antiseptic, deodorant, and to treat diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome.

Geranium Extract contains a powerful compound which is believed to be more potent than ephedrine, yet not as powerful as amphetamine. The compound 1,3-Dimethylamylamine is said to accelerate fat loss, is a powerful energy enhancement, and sharpens mental clarity.

Geranium has a balancing effect on the hormonal system. This can help with menopausal symptoms and is effective in dealing with hemorrhages and abnormally heavy and prolonged menstrual periods. It also benefits the kidney and liver, as well as the lymphatic system.

Geranium extract is normally taken in the form of a pill or liquid. The liquid can be taken in a syrup, water, or juice. The extract liquid can be used externally rubbing it directly into the skin or making it into a paste. It can be used as a douche to treat heavy menstrual bleeding and as a gargle to treat gum sores, bleeding teeth, and a sore throat.

Geranium extract is also used to treat diabetes and cholera. Externally, Geranium extract can be applied externally to ulcers, hemorrhoids, thrush, vaginal discharges and inflammations of the mouth.

Side Effects of Geranium Extract:

Because Geranium has a high tannin content it is not recommended for prolonged or excessive use as this may eventually cause liver damage.

The tannin may also cause nausea in some people. It may also interfere with the absorption of iron and other minerals.