Dragon’s Blood Extract

Species Name: Daemonoropos draco

Also Known As: Draco, Sanguis draconic, Dragon’s Blood Palm, Calamus draco, Blume, Calamus Blume.

What Is Dragon’s Blood Extract?

Having no relationship to the animal world; “dragons blood” is a red, sappy resin that is harvested from the fruit of palm trees, like the Daemonoropos draco, from the tropical areas of Asia.

It was used medicinally by the ancient Romans and Greeks and the warriors of China to staunch the bleeding from their battle wounds and seal the wounds from infection.

It was also used as incense in ceremonies and as a dye.

It is important to note that Dragon’s Blood extract can come from a variety of sources. While Daemonoropos draco is the more popular form of Dragon’s Blood, the actual product may come from Dracaena draco and Dracaena cinnabari.

Benefits and Uses of Dragon’s Blood Extract:

Dragon’s Blood extract is thought to be a strong coagulant.

This means that it can help to aid coagulation in terms of blood, helping the blood as it works to create clots.

Dragon’s Blood extract can be used both orally and topically for this particular benefit.

With it's anti-bacterial and antioxidant properties; when applied topically, it provides the extra protection against oxidative free radicals and helps repair the skin.

It is important for many to note the type of resin used to create the Dragon’s Blood extract, as extracts using species other than Daemonoropos draco may actually have the opposite effect on the body.

Dragon’s Blood extract has a variety of uses, with many of them directed toward its coagulant properties.

The extract has been used directly on wounds, scraps, bites, rashes, and other skin issues as a way to help the body create clots and to stop bleeding.

The coagulative nature of Dragon’s Blood also makes it a strong candidate for those dealing with blood stagnation problems.

Dragon's blood extract is also used for issues such as menstrual bleeding, pain relief, post-partum bleeding, and swelling.

Many also look to Dragon’s Blood as a way to deal with ulcers. The anti-hemorrhaging agents in the Dragon’s Blood extract allow it to calm the issues that come from ulcers, including pain and nausea.

Side Effects of Dragon’s Blood Extract:

Dragon’s Blood tends to be completely safe for human consumption. Some will claim that Dragon’s Blood extract is perfect for those who are trying to avoid a miscarriage.

As with most other herbal remedies that are yet to be fully understood, it is recommended that pregnant women stay away from this extract. Women who are nursing should also avoid Dragon’s Blood extract, as we still fail to understand the effects that it may have on young children.

If you have questions about a herbal medicine or remedy, speak with your doctor. They will be able to warn you about any possible drug interactions or reservations that they may have about the extract.