Cranberry Extract

Species: Vaccinium subgenus oxycoccos, Vaccinium macrocarpon

Also known as: oxycoccos, simple cranberry, bear berry

What is the Cranberry? These are berries that grow on a small shrub found on low growing vines located in cooler climates.

The flowers of these shrubs are pollinated by bees and will eventually produce the white berry which when fully ripe will turn to its well known deep wine color.

Its taste consists of a sweet/bitter with the bitter side slightly overpowering the sweetness of the berry.

The cranberry and its manufactured form of the cranberry extract are fast becoming known for its medicinal properties as a replacement or supplement for antibiotics in the treatment of urinary tract infections.

Home Remedies for Cranberry extract:

Benefits and Uses of Cranberry Extract:

More individuals are turning to natural foods such as berries, herbs, and essential oils as healthy alternatives to conventional methods.

High quality cranberry extract will be made in such a way to preserve all of the antioxidants and nutritional value of the berry, and not contain any additives such as preservatives, food coloring, water and sugars.

Rich in antioxidants, the cranberry shows evidence to be beneficial in the treatment and prevention of urinary tract infections (UTI).

In addition to this, they offer other essential dietary nutriments with one of the most important being a good supply of the fiber our body requires.

The cranberry has earned its title as being one of the super foods, because of its contribution to the human species.

A dose of 100 grams of cranberries will offer a person 16 percent of their daily Vitamin C requirement, 9 percent Vitamin A and is also a contributing source of 6.4 percent of Vitamin K daily requirements.

Although the cranberry is gaining its most popular recognition for its effectiveness against Urinary tract infections, it is also being noted for its ability to help ward off the forming of kidney stones.

Dentists are recognizing its benefits in being able to stop and reduce plaque buildup.

In addition to this because of its photochemical and polyphenol antioxidants it is aggressively being researched to see if it has any effects on the cardiovascular and immune systems.

Finally it is being studied closer to see what potential value it may have in anti cancer benefits.

Side Effects of Cranberry Extract:

Side effects and allergic reactions are rare. Some may experience nausea and diarrhea with large doses of cranberry.

It is generally considered safe during pregnancy in moderate amounts. If you are currently taking medications consult your physician prior to use.