Cramp Bark Extract

Species Name: Viburnum Opulus

Also known as: Guelder Rose, Walter Elder, European Cranberry Bush and Snowball Tree.

What is cramp bark extract? Cramp bark extract comes from a shrub that is actually very pretty to look at, with beautiful shiny leaves and is used very commonly as shrubbery in gardens.

The berries which are dark are actually digestible and can be used as a cranberry substitute.

It is the root of the plant where the extract is taken from and can be harvested all year round.

Home Remedies using Cramp Bark Extract:

Benefits of Cramp Bark Extract:

The benefits of cramp bark extract are numerous for both women and men, but it does have more advantages for women.

The various benefits of cramp bark extract allow the user to reduce and even in some cases eradicate muscular cramping within the body.

This works to relieve muscle spasms, especially for those who suffer from a bad back and have a stiff neck on a regular basis.

It helps to stop internal hemorrhaging in certain situations and has been an incredible help to herbalists all over the world for centuries.

It is also habitually taken by those who want to overall lower their blood pressure especially if the cause is diastolic.

Supplements of this extract are available in tablet form, in teas and also in powder so the various doses and strengths, depending on your need for the extract, can be correctly managed.

For stomach cramps, cramp bark herbal tea can help relieve symptoms.

After exercising this extract is essential as it helps to speed up the recovery of any sprained or pulled muscles.

Cramp bark extract is used by women to alleviate menstrual problems and cramps.

It can also be used to alleviate other cramps within the body that require antispasmodic medication.

As a muscle relaxant it is able to help with issues such as:

  • Intestinal issues
  • Relaxing the skeletal muscles
  • Uterine problems
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Endometrial infections
  • Uterus irritations
  • Cysts
  • Lower blood pressure

Cramp bark extract has also been used in hospitals to combat premature labor as long as it is used in the correct dose.

Other women use it to help improve the uterine muscles so the actual birth is easier on the mother.

Side Effects of Cramp Bark Extract:

If you have issues taking aspirin then this extract is not for you as there are sensitivity issues involved which can make you very ill.

Also if you take cramp bark extract in doses that are higher than suggested then there have been several side effects reported such as diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.