Clove Extract

Species name: Syzygium aromaticum

Also Known As: Clove oil, oil of cloves, clovos, caryophyllus, clavo de olor, clavu

Native of the Molucca Islands and the Philippines clove is also cultivated in other areas such as Madagascar, Zanzibar, Sumatra, Indonesia, the West Indies and Brazil.

By the year 1500, with ocean travel and trade gaining popularity, clove began its spread into the important commercial commodity it is today.

Clove is invaluable for its contributions to the modern day culinary world. Worcestershire sauce is probably one of the most recognizable, getting some of its flavor from the clove.

Many liquor recipes use cloves and it is also used to sweeten baked goods.

Although unsafe, it can be mixed with tobacco and smoked.

Aside from how it tastes and smells it also has many medicinal benefits and is extracted for this purpose.

What is clove extract? Clove oil can be extracted from the fruit, leaves and the immature dried flower bud of an evergreen tree. It can be found in tincture, loose herb, capsule tea and essential oil.

Home Remedies using Clove Extract

  • Put a few drops of clove oil on a cotton ball to relieve tooth pain. Apply to painful area.
  • Put a few drops of clove extract into boiling water for some tea to help with nausea and flatulence.

Benefits and Uses of Clove Extract:

Civilizations such as the Chinese, Romans and Greeks have used clove for centuries.It was used for its medicinal and homeopathic remedies as well as for its many culinary benefits.

Traditional Chinese Medicine from the first century BC to this day has used clove in its herbal formulas.

Healthy Benefits

Clove is rich in minerals such as calcium, iron, sodium, potassium, phosphorus and hydrochloric acid as well as being a good source of vitamins A and C.

Clove oil also contains eugenol which is an anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and pain-relieving property.

Helps the Digestive System

This extract eases nausea or quiets a digestive system in need of calming like with indigestion, hiccups, vomiting, flatulence, diarrhea and for those who suffer anorexia. It can also reduce the pain that is associated with some of these issues.

Pain Reliever

Used to numb the injection area for dental work clove oil can also help with toothaches, mouth ulcers and sore gums. Applied directly to a dry tooth socket it can temporarily relieve the pain. It can also ease joint pains and pain associated with inflammation.

Colds and Coughs

As an anti-bacterial it is recommended for colds, coughs, asthma, sinusitis, bronchitis and tuberculosis. It can assist with the discharge of phlegm aiding in the healing process.

Immune System Booster

Clove extract can be used to boost the immune system due to its antiviral and antibacterial properties and its ability to purify blood. It increases our resistance to diseases be getting rid of harmful bacteria and cleaning the system.

Helps Manage Blood Sugar Levels

Clove extract helps in controlling the blood sugar levels making it useful for those who suffer with diabetes. It is thought to help with insulin function but more studies on humans need to be conducted.

Side effects of Clove Extract:

  • Clove is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women or for children.
  • Those with a history of hemophilia, alcoholism, cancer, liver or kidney problems should avoid use without a physician’s recommendation.
  • May affect those who take anti-coagulants.
  • Do not exceed recommended dose as it can irritate mucous membranes or those with sensitive skin.