Clary Sage Extract

Species name: Botanical-Salvia sclarea: Family-Labiatae

Also known as: Clear eye, royal sage, salvia real or meadow sage

What is Clary Sage? It was one of the ancient herbs used for overall well-being throughout Europe. Clary Sage can be found worldwide in today’s market but some consider the best Clary sage to be produced in France, Britain, Morocco and Russia.

A relative of common sage found in everyday gardens, it has made its distinct place in many kitchens — notably as a flavoring for Muscatel wine.

Because of its herbaceous fragrance, Clary Sage is very popular for personal care products as well.

Home Remedies using Clary Sage Extract:

Benefits of Clary Sage:

While Clary sage does not possess true estrogenic properties, it does affect the female reproductive system.

This was scientifically proven through research. One specific study was published in February 2000's issue of Complementary Therapies in Nursing and Midwifery. The study scientifically evaluated 10 preferred essential oils and their direct health benefits.

While all preferred oils fared well in certain areas, Clary sage and chamomile were the most effective for use during childbirth.

For reducing menstrual cramps and pain it, along with lavender and rose, ranked highest according to a 2006 study from Wonkwang Public Health College in Iksan, Korea.

In another study from Nambu University in Gwangju city, Korea, 2002, the calming effects of Clary sage (including the scent) were found to promote relaxation and help test subjects cope with stress more effectively.

In a controlled group of students, an aroma lamp that contained peppermint, clary sage, rosemary and lavender was found to help reduce not only their physical response but their psychological reactions to stress.

A quick overview of the bitter herb ranks it as an astringent and anti-spasmodic that stimulates the uterus as well as estrogen production; it also is beneficial as a menopausal remedy.

Its oil (which it what it is best known for) can be used in a warm bath, or applied to the wrists, bottom of the feet or to the temples to calm a person and has long been believed to restore failing memory, particularly in the elderly.

Plant esters, Linalyl acetate in Clary sage, also benefit the skin. They are used to balance the skin’s own oil production and are instrumental in helping to heal many types of rashes and soothe skin inflammations.

Clary sage can be used in relieving muscle spasms, backaches, stiffness of the joints and muscle cramps.

Infusions/tinctures can be used to treat and/or improve digestive function or as a liver stimulant.

Compresses soaked in an infusion are effective when applied to wounds taking a long time to heal.

A weak infusion can be used for ailments of the mouth and throat including gum diseases.

The essential oil of Clary sage is a broad-spectrum antibiotic and is actively effective against Streptococcus pneumoniae, Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus influenza, Escherichia coli and Candida albicans.

Side effects of Clary Sage:

Salvias and their preparations used for poor blood circulation are not recommended in combination with Coumadin (Warfarin) as it may increase the anticoagulant effects.