Black Cohosh Extract

Species Name: Actaea Racemosa/Cimicifuga Racemosa

Also known as: black cohosh, black bugbane, black snakeroot, fairy candle

What is Black Cohosh? This is a plant that readily grows throughout Eastern North America.

It is common to see it growing along the edges of woody areas spreading from Ontario to Tennessee.

In Europe though, it is cultivated for use. It is the root of the plant that contains the medicinal qualities.

Home Remedies Using Black Cohosh Extract:

Benefits of Black Cohosh Extract:

Historically black cohosh was used for a whole gambit of ailments but most commonly for snakebites.

In past years its popularity grew when it was reported to be a beneficial treatment for arthritis.

The compounds contained in Black Cohosh that are receiving recognition for their medicinal properties are the phytochemicals, antioxidants, and tannins.

It also has a compound that is believed will bind to estrogen receptor sites giving it menopause treatment capabilities.

Interestingly, many years ago there was a product on the market called Lydia Pinkhams tonic. It was on the market for over 50 years and was often referred to as "a baby in a bottle". It was reported that women who had difficulty conceiving would become pregnant after being on the tonic for a period of time. However, there has never been any scientific evidence to support this.

Although documentation showing scientific research is somewhat scarce, there was a product developed in Germany in the 1940's designed for the treatment of menopausal systems such as hot flashes and mood swings.

It is a product that has been the center of several studies, and in Germany black cohosh has been "approved" as a natural treatment for menopausal symptoms.

Other uses of black cohosh include:

  • High blood pressure treatment
  • Lowering Cholesterol
  • Strengthening the cardiovascular system
  • Reducing menopause symptoms

Side Effects of Black Cohosh Extract:

It can induce labor so it is advised that pregnant women refrain from using it.

If taken in excess, users can suffer from severe cramps, headaches dizziness and nausea. Symptoms can mimic that of poisoning.

There is strong indication that this extract should never been used if an individual has measles.

It is also not advised for those who have respiratory problems.

There have been some reports of liver damage in excessive use.