Bilberry Extract

Species Name: Vaccinium Myrtillus

Also known as: bilberry, blueberry, whortleberry, whinberry, as well as winberry, wimberry, myrtlie blueberry and finally fraughan.

It has also been referred to as black-hearts but will sometimes be referred to as blueberries which are not to be affiliated with the true blueberry fruit.

What is Bilberry? These plants are found in a variety of places throughout the world, and don't require special soil conditions to grow; so they are hearty.

Home Remedies Using Bilberry Extract

Benefits of Bilberry Extract

Many people simply enjoy the berries as part of their daily fruit allowance and for their nutritional value.

From a medicinal standpoint, however, it is believed that this extract will improve night vision.

Although there are no conclusive studies completed to date, there is research that indicates that the bilberry may prevent or reverse such eye disorders as macular degeneration.

There have been clinical trials and one such study was with patients with senile cataracts and they were treated with a combination of bilberry extract and Vitamin E.

The positive results obtained through this study warrant more research towards the possible capabilities of what this berry might hold when it comes to eye issues.

Historically the leaves of the bilberry were used to treat those who suffered with gastrointestinal problems.

Out of all the potential benefits of this extract, the main focus currently is on its positive effects on diabetes. In support of this finding, is recent research that was conducted in Japan.

Although the study used mice as subjects, the results were encouraging in that they showed substantial improvements which indicates that Bilberry was beneficial in the treatment of Type 2 diabetes.

The main medicinal component of the bilberry is the tannins it contains. There are some researchers that put emphasis on the potential flavonoids in the leaf of the plant.

The leaf of the bilberry plant is the most beneficial to those suffering from diabetes because the medicinal qualities that help to alleviate circulation problems that many diabetics suffer from.

Other uses of bilberry extract include:

  • Certain eye conditions
  • Heart diseases
  • Cardiovascular issues
  • Diabetes
  • Cancer
  • Specific types of infections
  • Certain skin diseases
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Gout
  • Gastro disorders
  • Kidney disease
  • Urinary tract infections

Side Effects of Bilberry Extract

It is known to have anticoagulant properties which means blood will not clot as easily. Therefore it should not be used with blood thinning medications.

Overdose can be toxic enough to be fatal.

There have been rare cases where individuals have allergic reactions.

Individuals taking medications to lower their blood sugar and also taking this extract will put them at risk of hypoglycemia.

When taken in combination with other blood sugar lowering herbs could create hypoglycemia.

There is no documentation in respect to pregnant women or children using this extract, always check with your physician prior to use.