Astragalus Extract

Species Name: Astragalus Membranaceus

Also known as: Huang chi, huang qu, astragalus

What is Astragalus? There are over 2,000 species to which the Astragalus belongs to.

It is most commonly found throughout the Northern Hemisphere. There are many species available but only two gain recognition as being used for medicinal purposes.

These are the membranaceus species and the Astragalus Mongholicus.

These species are more abundant in areas of North and Eastern China, parts of Mongolia and Korea.

Home Remedies Using Astragalus Extract:

Benefits and Uses of Astragalus Extract:

Often you will find this herb in supplement forms under different names such as hwanggi or huang qi.

It is the dried roots of the plant that contain the medicinal components.

There have been limited studies conducted in respect to the Astragalus herb.

There have been more extensive animal studies as opposed to human clinical studies.

Texas University researchers, affiliated with the Cancer center. indicate that the extract from this herb enhanced the cytotoxicity of an important immunotherapy treatment by stimulating the immune system's response.

Although there are many reported uses and benefits for this herb, the one that is peaking the most interest are those involved in cancer research.

This interest lies in its potential ability to enhance the effects of some chemotherapy treatments.

Other ways Astragalus is used for treatment of:

  • Common cold
  • Flu
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Asthma
  • Anemia
  • Digestive ailments (diarrhea, bloating, flatulence)
  • Has minimal anti bacterial and anti viral agents
  • Anti inflammatory
  • Benefits both the immune and respiratory systems
  • Anti-stress relief

Side Effects of Astragalus Extract:

Astragalus extract may have possible interactions with drugs that are administered for patients with organ transplants.

In addition to this, individuals who are being treated for asthma with corticosteroids should abstain from using this herb.

It has been indicated that it could also interact with immuno suppressant drugs.

As with any herbal treatment, extreme caution should be used for pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding.

There have been some indications that this herb can have effects on the increase or decrease of blood pressure.

Many Chinese herbalists warn against using Astragalus extract when acute infections are present.