Licorice Root Tea

Tea Name: Licorice root tea

Also known as: Glycyrrhiza glabra, liquorice, sweet root, Chinese licorice, sweet wood and grandfather herb

Native to Asia and Europe, licorice root tea comes from a plant known as Glycyrrhiza glabra.

Preferring to grow in full sun and harvested in Autumn, it bears pod like fruit that contains seeds.

This purple flowering legume is usually harvested in two to three years after planting.

Licorice is a popular, common flavoring found in candies, gums, lozenges, soft drinks, as flavoring for medicines and even ice-cream.

The tea itself is made from the root. It can also be found in liquid form, tincture and capsule.

Home Remedies Using Licorice Root Tea

Health Benefits of Licorice Root Tea

Used since Ancient Egypt, licorice root has been considered a valuable item throughout history. It has been used for liver support, chewed to alleviate thirst, to sweeten food and for medicinal purposes. The tea was thought to be a blood purifier and was taken as an after dinner drink to help with digestion.

Licorice tea has a wonderful naturally sweet taste that comes from glycyrrhizin, which is a chemical sweeter than table sugar. This same chemical is also thought to give licorice some of its healthy qualities.

Licorice acts as a testosterone reducer. It contains chemicals that act like estrogen replacers that can make it valuable for women's health issues. Helping with menstrual cramps and menopausal symptoms by replacing the lost estrogen, it can reduce hot flashes, bloating and pains due to menopause.

Drinking the tea can coat over areas to increase health for throat problems and sore throat, easing the pain of these conditions. Licorice has also been thought to reduce inflammation having antioxidant qualities that can repair damaged cells.

Licorice can be used as a mild laxative soothing the digestive tract, helping with stomach issues like ulcers and lessening nausea. It is said to increase the healing time for peptic ulcers. This may be because licorice tea also increases the secretion of mucous and causes tissues to thicken.

Because of it calming effect licorice root tea can be used as a mild stress reliever. Increasing energy and combating fatigue, it is also used to deal with withdrawal symptoms for nicotine addiction.

Licorice root tea is thought to have the power to balance the adrenal glands. These glands regulate the fight or flight instinct and actions during periods of stress. If they are in poor shape then it can affect mood and create anxiety and then ensuing health problems can follow.

Some studies show that licorice tea can be of value regarding oral health and may be able to fight off bacteria that cause cavities.

This tea has also been looked at concerning weight loss and is also thought to reduce cholesterol.

Side Effects of Licorice Root Tea

There are minimal side effects concerning this herbal tea.

Avoid long term use unless recommended by a doctor.

Licorice can cause high blood pressure and water retention if consumed in large quantities.

Pregnant or breastfeeding women should avoid use.

It can interact with other prescription drugs so please consult with a doctor before using.