Vegetable Juice

Vegetable Juice is a drink produced mainly from vegetables, however it can be combined with tomato, grape, or other fruit to improve flavor. Vegetable Juice is often consumed as a low-sugar alternative to fruit juice, however many commercial varieties of vegetable juice contain large amounts of sodium.

Common combinations for Vegetable Juice contain carrots, beets, pumpkin, and tomatoes. Pumpkin and tomatoes, while not technically vegetables, are commonly used to make the juice easier to drink. Other popular items found in vegetable juices are parsley, dandelion greens, kale, celery, fennel, and cucumbers. Lemon, garlic and ginger are often added for medicinal purposes.

What is Vegetable Juice? Vegetable Juice is a combination of juice from various vegetables.

Vegetable Juice Recipe:

There are many combinations and recipes available for creating your own juice. To make vegetable juice you will need a juicing machine as most vegetables are fibrous and difficult to macerate.

Health practitioners commonly recommend the use of raw, uncooked vegetables for juice as it is believed that heating or cooking the vegetable will destroy many of the nutritional advantages to the vitamins, minerals and enzymes.

Home Remedies Using Vegetable Juice:

Benefits of Vegetable Juice:

Drinking Vegetable Juice can be more beneficial to the body than simple eating the vegetables as juicing works to pre-digest the vegetables and you will assimilate more of the valuable nutrients.

Vegetable Juice benefits will depend on the vegetables used in making the juice. See the guide below for a few of the medicinal attributes of selected combination's:

  • Acidosis: Carrot, beet, cucumber and spinach
  • Acne: Carrot, lettuce and spinach
  • Allergies: Carrot, lettuce and spinach
  • Anemia: Beet, celery, carrot
  • Appendicitis: Carrot, beet and spinach
  • Arteriosclerosis: Carrot, celery, lettuce and spinach
  • Vegetable juice and arthritis: Cucumber, beet, celery, carrot and watercress
  • Asthma: Carrot, radish and celery
  • Bronchitis: Tomato, carrot, onion and spinach
  • Colds: Carrot, celery, onion and spinach
  • Constipation: Carrot, beet, spinach and watercress
  • Colitis: Carrot, beet cucumber and spinach
  • Vegetable juice for diabetics: Carrot, celery, lettuce and spinach
  • Dyspepsia: Carrot, beet, cucumber and spinach
  • Eczema: Carrot, spinach, cucumber and beet
  • Epilepsy: Carrot, celery and spinach
  • Eye disorder: Tomato, carrot, celery, parsley and spinach
  • Fatigue: Carrot, spinach, beet and cucumber
  • Gout: Tomato, cucumber, beet, carrot, celery, spinach
  • Headache: Carrot, lettuce and spinach
  • Heart disease: Carrot, beet, cucumber and spinach
  • Hypertension: Carrot, spinach, beet and cucumber
  • Influenza: Carrot, onion and spinach
  • Insomnia: Lettuce, carrot and celery
  • Jaundice: Carrot, celery, spinach, beet and cucumber
  • Obesity: Tomato, beet, cabbage, lettuce, spinach and carrot
  • Piles: Carrot, spinach, turnip, and watercress
  • Sinus problem: Tomato, carrot, onion and spinach
  • Tonsillitis: Carrot, spinach, beet and cucumber

One major advantage to vegetable juice made with green vegetables or green leaves is the chlorophyll content of these juices. It is important to note that the greener the leaves or vegetable, the more concentrated the amount of chlorophyll in the juice.

The health benefits from chlorophyll are extensive if taken consistently in sufficient amounts. Here are just some of the therapeutic effects for vegetable juice that includes green vegetables and leaves:

  • Alleviates blood sugar problems
  • Detoxifies and cleanses
  • Improves bowel functions
  • Improves breast milk production
  • Increases blood count
  • Kills bacteria in wounds and speeds up healing
  • Relieves gastric ulcers
  • Reduces or eliminates body odors
  • Relieves respiratory troubles like asthma and sinuses
  • Reduces inflammation and pain
  • Soothes hemorrhoids

Side Effects of Vegetable Juice:

Any side effects of vegetable juice would have to be determined by the exact vegetables and any other ingredients, like sodium, used in the vegetable juice.

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