Orange Juice

Species name: citrus sinensis.

Also known as: Sweet Orange.

What is the Orange? Oranges grow in warm climates throughout the world, and their flavors vary from sweet to sour.

Ordinarily the fruit is peeled and eaten or the juice squeezed and consumed.

The rind is usually discarded but is sometimes used for animal feed or as a flavoring or garnish in recipes.

Some of the other products that are made from oranges include the following:

  • Orange juice
  • Sweet orange oil
  • Orange blossom
  • Orange blossom tea
  • Orange blossom honey
  • Marmalade
  • Orange peel

Home Remedies using Orange Juice:

Benefits and Uses of Orange Juice:

Though an orange has only a modest mineral content, it contains at least 50 mg or Vitamin C in four ounces of fruit.

Oranges also include bioflavonoids, which tend to work with the Vitamin C to prevent infections.

In addition to Vitamins A, C, D, E, and the bioflavonoids, oranges also include carbohydrates, dietary fiber, folate, and potassium. And phytochemicals.

One major cause of cardiovascular disease is high cholesterol, which results from oxidation by free radicals.

Vitamin C neutralizes free radicals, thus preventing them of oxidizing the cholesterol.

Without the oxidation process, the cholesterol is unable to cling to the arterial walls to cause damage to the cardiovascular system.

Keep in mind that tests conducted have shown that Vitamin C supplements do not do the same thing as drinking a glass of orange juice.

This may be due to the combination of Vitamin C and bioflavonoids as previously mentioned.

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Heart disease
  • Hypertension
  • Stroke
  • Cancer
  • Neural tube defects
  • Anemia
  • Prevention of oxidized LDL cholesterol
  • Increase plasma folate levels while lowering homecysteine levels
  • Protection against cancer
  • Protection from cataracts
  • Treatment of high blood pressure (bioflavonoids)
  • Prevention of colds and flu
  • Possible lowering of cholesterol
  • Prevention of kidney stones
  • Prevention of ulcers
  • Reduce risk of stomach cancer
  • Protection against rheumatoid arthritis
  • Drink as a juice
  • Eat as a fruit
  • Use in cooking or preparation of foods
  • Use as a garnish

Side Effects of Orange Juice:

One of the foods that cause allergic reactions in many people.