Acerola Cherry Juice

Species Name: Malphighia glabra

Also Known As: Acerola, Antilles cherry, Barbados cherry, cereso, cerezo, escobillo, health tree, huesito, Puerto Rican cherry, and West Indian cherry.

Acerola is a small fruit tree that can reach heights of 16 feet. The bright red fruit on this tree can grow from 2 up to 5 inches in diameter.

This fruit contains several small seeds resembling the European cherry, which is why this plant is often called the Barbados, Antilles, Puerto Rican, or West Indian Cherry. The trees grow wild or can be cultivated. Acerola is native to South and Central America, and Jamaica; it is actively cultivated in Brazil and Vietnam.

The mature acerola fruit is soft, juicy, and has a tart flavor. It is a popular fresh fruit for eating, as well as it is used to make jams, jellies, and as a commercial source of Vitamin C. In Brazil Acerola Juice is as popular as Orange Juice is in the US.

What is Acerola Juice? Acerola Juice is made from the fruit of the Acerola tree. This juice is commercially available as a puree, juice, juice concentrate, or powdered juice products.

Home Remedies Using Acerola Cherry Juice:

Benefits of Acerola Cherry Juice:

Traditional use of the Acerola fruit in Brazil includes utilizing the fresh fruit as a treatment for dysentery and fevers. Acerola juice is a popular remedy and stimulant for the liver and renal system. It is also used for its anti-inflammatory and astringent properties to heal wounds and aid in the treatment of anemia, diabetes, high cholesterol, rheumatism, tuberculosis, and to speed convalescence.

There are over 150 active constituents in Acerola besides its being one of the richest sources of Vitamin C, well over four times that of an orange. It is also a good source of Vitamin A, riboflavin, and more. Acerola Juice acts as an antioxidant, nutritive, astringent, and antifungal.

Today Acerola juice is mainly used for its high vitamin C. This juice is used to combat colds and flu, and for its anti-aging benefits to the skin, it works as an overall health tonic to balance, tone, and strengthen the body. Besides working to fight free radicals and killing fungus, it will increase urination, decrease inflammation, and assist in wound healing.

Side Effects of Acerola Cherry Juice:

For those who have an allergy to latex, it is important to note that Acerola Juice may cause a similar reaction. This may occur with the juice, or in supplement form.

Large dosages of vitamin C can cause diarrhea.